Diseño web en Málaga

Diseño web en Málaga, así como comercio electrónico en Shopify y WordPress, adaptado a las necesidades de tu negocio, siempre teniendo en cuenta el diseño y la experiencia del usuario.

Soy un diseñador con 7 años de experiencia como diseñador web en Málaga, y puedo crear tu sitio web en tiempo récord para tu empresa. Sin embargo, no me limito a crear una simple página web; tengo un alto nivel de habilidad en UX y SEO para proporcionarle a tu empresa un diseño web elegante y minimalista que sea efectivo y exitoso, asegurando que tu sitio web refleje adecuadamente tus valores, filosofía e imagen de marca.

Puedo crear una amplia variedad de elementos visuales en combinación con tu identidad corporativa para asegurar que tu página web sea efectiva y exitosa. Si buscas un diseño web elegante, práctico y rentable, entonces estás en el lugar adecuado. No dudes en contactarme.

Portafolio Diseño web MálagaDescubre mi portafolio

¿Quieres conocer un poco más?

En mi agencia de diseño web, ofrecemos tarifas claras y completas con una excelente relación calidad-precio. Quiero ayudarte a hacer realidad tu idea de negocio, renovar el diseño web de tu empresa en Málaga, vender tus productos en línea o simplemente establecer una presencia en línea impresionante y efectiva. Puedes estar seguro de que con mis servicios recibirás un diseño web de alta calidad que superará tus expectativas. Si deseas ver algunos de mis trabajos anteriores, echa un vistazo a mi portafolio en línea.

Diseñando soluciones web adaptadas a tus necesidadesTipo de Diseño Web

Mi objetivo es adaptar el diseño web a la etapa actual por la que está pasando tu negocio. Por eso, ofrezco varias categorías del mismo servicio que se alinean con las necesidades de tu empresa, siempre brindando la mejor calidad y experiencia durante el desarrollo de tu proceso de diseño web en Málaga.

Landing page

Una página de aterrizaje es un sitio web de una sola página donde la sección “inicio” proporciona información esencial sobre tu negocio y te permite tener una presencia en línea. Al ser más simple que un sitio web completo, es más rentable y puede modificarse en el futuro al construir tu sitio web completo sin perder el trabajo que ya has desarrollado.

Corporate Website

Un sitio web corporativo se especializa en proporcionar información en línea sobre tu negocio para aclarar dudas y generar ventas. Debe adaptarse a la identidad de tu empresa y satisfacer sus necesidades de comunicación, teniendo en cuenta la experiencia del usuario y lo que es esencial para tu cliente ideal.

Un sitio web corporativo está diseñado para promocionar una empresa o negocio en línea. Proporciona información general sobre la empresa, sus productos y servicios, y puede incluir secciones sobre su historia, visión y misión. Un sitio web corporativo también puede tener secciones de noticias y eventos, una sección de contacto y una página de carreras. Su principal objetivo es construir una presencia en línea para la empresa y proporcionar una plataforma para que los clientes y posibles clientes se comuniquen con la empresa.

Online Store

Start selling online with an E-commerce store designed specifically for you on the platform of your choice (Shopify or WordPress). Improve communication and boost sales for your business through a specialized platform tailored to your requirements.

An online store, also known as an e-commerce or virtual store, is a website designed to sell products or services online. Similar to a physical store, an online store offers a wide range of products or services for customers to explore, add to their shopping cart, and ultimately purchase.

A well-designed online store should be easy to navigate and allow customers to search for products by category, price, or brand.

If you’re unsure about the platform differences, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I can help!

Specialized Website

A specialized website is a site that focuses on a specific theme or industry. Instead of being a general website that covers various topics, a specialized site delves deeply into a specific subject to provide detailed information, resources, and services to its target audience.

These websites often feature specific development to address needs such as booking systems, quoting systems, or other tailored solutions.

What My Clients Think

I've worked with Pilar on a big project, designing a fully customized deck of playing cards that I went ahead and sold successfully on Kickstarter. I was stunned at the quality of each illustration, and in retrospective I couldn't be happier of my choice. Will definitely work with her again!

Marco Luzi, Lune Playing Cards

Llevo varios años trabajando con Pili y debo decir que ha sabido captar la esencia de mi marca y plasmarla en cada uno de los trabajos realizados. Cada uno de los trabajos ha sido impecable y recomiendo sus servicios 100% Excelente profesional con calidad humana!

Laura, Apothecary

Para mi lo más importante en una relación comercial es el profesionalismo y creo que está palabra describe perfectamente a Pilar, trabajar con ella en el desarrollo de mi marca fue una gran experiencia donde sentí que todas mis ideas fueron captadas y plasmadas en el trabajo final.

Silvia, Bellbird

Crear junto a Pilar es una experiencia que permite explorar creativamente el desarrollo de ideas y plasmarlas de la manera más cercana a lo imaginado, gracias a su profesionalismo y entendimiento.

Jonh, Arial 12

What makes Pilar stand out from other designers is that she combines state of the art design with an artistic touch. This makes your products stand out and gives them an air of elegance and creativity. Her work is always of high quality, punctual and with great attention to detail. Communication is great and she brings along ideas of her own which contribute to the project.


Web Design & Development MálagaDale presencia digital a tu negocio

At The NG Studio, a web design agency in Malaga, we ensure to deliver high-quality, optimized, and mobile-responsive websites and online stores. As a professional web designer, I make sure that each project is secure and delivered in perfect condition. Additionally, I offer web maintenance and SEO services to keep your website always up-to-date and protected against potential security threats. With my experience and skills, you can be confident that your website will always look and function flawlessly.

Professional Web Design

Custom Web Design on WordPress and Shopify, tailored to meet the specific needs of your business, designed to be the centerpiece of your digital strategy.

Web Design (UX Design)

Web design focused on the user experience, providing them with the experience they need and bringing you closer to your potential customers.

Custom Web Design

Customized Web Design catering to the specific needs of your business. If you have any ideas you want to bring to life, write to us, and we’ll make it happen together.

Features of Web DesignOur websites have these characteristics

We create custom and professional web design in Malaga for corporates, reflecting your brand identity and being easy to navigate on any device. We optimize the website for search engines and provide an engaging and effective online experience.

Frequently Asked Questions - Web Design in MalagaI'll answer your questions.

How much can a web design cost?

The cost of a website varies depending on the specific needs of each project. The price can change significantly between an online store and a corporate web design in Malaga, for example. To provide an accurate quote, I need to know more details about your requirements. However, as a reference, I can say that the price for a web page typically ranges between 500 and 900€, while for an online store, the price can range between 800 and 1,300€. These price ranges will give you a general idea of what to expect, but I always ensure to provide a personalized and accurate quote for each project.

Should I purchase hosting and domain with you?

If you already have a domain and hosting, there is no need to purchase a new one. As a web designer, I can work with the domain and hosting you already have. I will simply need access to be able to work on your website. Additionally, I can transfer the website to your hosting once the design and development are completed. This way, you can have better control over your website and ensure that everything is in one place. In any case, I will always provide you with advice and guidance so that you can make the best decision.

Can I redesign my website?

Of course, if you have an existing website, I can advise you on whether it’s better to make changes or redesign it from scratch, depending on the characteristics under which it was developed. The important thing is to find the best solution for your project without losing the domain or hosting you already have. If you have access to your domain and hosting, we can work with them to carry out the redesign or necessary changes. Throughout the process, I will provide you with recommendations and advice to help you make the best decision for your website and ensure that it is in the best condition.

What is the working process with you like?

The first thing I do when starting any project is to schedule a meeting with you to understand your needs and goals for your web design in Malaga. Based on that conversation, I will prepare a detailed quote that fits your requirements. If we come to an agreement, I will begin working on your project. Throughout the process, I will provide you with regular updates, and you will have the opportunity to make up to 3 revisions, during which you can request any changes you desire. Once we have completed the revision process and successfully created the website you were looking for, I will deliver the final project to you. My goal is to ensure that you are completely satisfied with the end result.

What are the web design delivery times?

Each project has a different duration, as it depends on the specific requirements of its development and the time needed for revisions. It is important to mention that the creation of a landing page may take less time than a more complex website. However, generally speaking, the approximate time to complete a project can vary from 1 to 3 months, depending on the scope of the website and the changes required throughout the revision process. I will inform you about the approximate timeline for your project once I have provided you with a detailed quote and we have had a discussion about your needs and expectations.

What is an SSL certificate, and why should I have it?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is an online security protocol used to encrypt and protect the information transmitted between a web browser and a web server.

There are several reasons why you should have an SSL certificate on your website:

Security: An SSL certificate encrypts the data transmitted between your website and the user’s web browser, ensuring that the personal and financial information of your users is protected and harder to intercept by malicious third parties.

Enhances user trust: Users know that a website is secure when they see the green padlock icon in the address bar and the URL starts with “https”. This instills more confidence in them to carry out transactions and share personal information on your website.

Improves search engine rankings: Google and other search engines prioritize websites with SSL certificates as they consider them to be safer and more trustworthy.

How do I know if I should opt for a landing page?

If you’re looking to establish the initial digital presence of your business and want a simple yet powerful website, I recommend considering the option of a landing page. A landing page is a web page designed for a specific action, such as capturing user’s contact information or promoting a product or service. Landing pages are quick and can provide an effective way to showcase your business online. Additionally, they can be highly customizable and may incorporate elements like registration forms, customer testimonials, and calls to action to engage users and convert them into potential customers.

Here you can review some of the landing pages created by The NG Studio:

Amg Industrias

Colectivo 4

How do I know if I should opt for a corporate website?

If you are looking to provide a complete digital experience and offer as much information as possible about your business in the simplest way, I recommend considering a corporate website. As a company or personal brand, it is essential to have an online presence that shows your customers and potential clients who you are, what you do, and how they can reach you. A corporate website allows you to do precisely that, providing a platform to present your business in a clear and concise manner. Additionally, a corporate website can be highly customizable and may incorporate sections such as company history, vision and mission, products and services, news and events, careers, and contact information.

Here you can visit some of the corporate websites created by The NG Studio:

What is responsive web design?

Responsive web design is a web design and development technique that allows a website to automatically adapt to different screen sizes and devices, such as desktop computers, tablets, and mobile devices. This means that a website designed with responsive techniques will adjust and optimize its appearance and functionality automatically to be user-friendly and viewable on any device.

What happens if my website gets damaged?

Upon delivering your website, I will provide you with a backup copy, and it’s crucial that you store it in a secure location. The reason for this is that if your website malfunctions after the warranty period, this backup will enable you to safely restore it.

The backup is a complete image of your website, including all files, databases, and configurations. It’s important to store it in a safe place, such as an external hard drive or a cloud storage service, to ensure that you can access it in case something goes wrong with your website in the future.

Ready to start your new project?